Welcome to the Surgery Interest Group
The UCSF Surgery Interest Group (SIG) is a group of medical students who want to learn more about surgery. We are lucky enough to be able to work with the Department of Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco, one of the leading surgical departments in the world. This page houses information about our events and our many electives as well as showcases work being done here at UCSF by students, faculty, and residents.
In the news!
U.S. News and World Report recently ranked UCSF No. 2 nationally for the surgery education curriculum taught in medical school, placing it in the top 2% of the 185 medical and osteopathic schools surveyed. The curriculum, developed by highly acclaimed Department of Surgery faculty, encompasses didactic in-class learning fused with early longitudinal immersion in clinical teams, and an inquiry-focused learning environment that encourages medical students to ask questions that push the frontiers of science and understanding of human health and disease.
More Reading
Access the UCSF Medical Student Portal here to learn about the Department of Surgery Clerkship, courses, instructors, scholarships, and more. If you are a UCSF medical student, research opportunities with UCSF Surgery faculty can be found at LabSpot here. Make sure to follow the Surgery Interest Group on Twitter @SIG_UCSF!